Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pay Me Now of Pay me Later: Deferred Taxes/ Part 2

Part 1 explained permanent and temporary differences, and defined deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets. Now, you'll walk through an example of a temporary difference, using depreciation.

Temporary Difference Example: Depreciation
In part 1, you learned that a temporary difference exists when the tax liability for books (accounting records) differs from the tax liability on the tax return.

Why Use Depreciation?
Depreciation is a good example to use for temporary differences. That's because depreciation schedules are often different between a company's accounting records and tax records. Keep in mind: total depreciation ultimately is the same amount using both methods. Assume your business owns a truck with a cost of $20,000. The most you can depreciate the truck is the $20,000. Regardless of which depreciation method you use, once you depreciate $20,000- you're finished! Temporary differences come up, because the annual rate of depreciation differs between the book method and the tax method.

Setting Up The Example:
Assume you own a truck with a cost of $30,000.
   Book Depreciation: Depreciate the truck $10,000 per year for three years.
   Tax Depreciation: Depreciate $20,000 in year one, and $5,000 each year in years 2 and 3.

Temporary Difference in Year One:
  Depreciation Expense: There is $10,000 more depreciation in year one. In other words, the
    year one tax return shows $10,000 more expense. The flip side is that the tax return will have
    $10,000 more income later. That means $10,000 more income- and more tax liability later.

The Tax Rate:
  Assume the tax rate is 30%. $10,000 more income on the tax return also means $3,000 more taxes ($10,000 * 30%) in the future. This future tax liability is a deferred tax liability.

More in the next blog. In the meantime, I hope this video might help:

Your comments are welcome! For live chats on some of the toughest accounting topics, go to my website listed below.

Ken Boyd
St. Louis Test Preparation
(cell) (314) 913-6529
(you tube channel) kenboydstl
(twitter) @StLouisTestPrep                         
Author/ Cost Accounting for Dummies (John Wiley and Sons) March 2013

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